The Film Academy of Cinematic Excellence (FACE Academy), located within the prestigious SJ Studios, is a haven for aspiring filmmakers and creative enthusiasts. Nestled in the heart of this renowned production hub, FACE Academy provides an unparalleled learning experience by blending theoretical education with real-world industry exposure. Students at the academy gain access to SJ Studios state- of-the-art facilities, including professional sets, advanced editing suites, Industry standard film making equipment, enabling them to create portfolios that meet industry standards. The Academy offers an extensive range of courses such as Filmmaking, Cinematography, Film Editing, and Photography. By learning in the same environment where live shoots and professional productions take place, students immerse themselves in the dynamic workflow of the entertainment world. With mentorship from industry veterans, hands-on training, and the opportunity to explore their creativity in a professional setting, FACE Academy equips students with the skills, confidence, and knowledge to thrive in the cinematic arts. It is more than just an educational institution—it is a launchpad for future filmmakers, storytellers, and visual artists who aspire to make their mark in the entertainment industry.
The Film Academy of Cinematic Excellence (FACE Academy), located within the prestigious SJ Studios, is a haven for aspiring filmmakers and creative enthusiasts. Nestled in the heart of this renowned production hub, FACE Academy provides an unparalleled learning experience by blending theoretical education with real-world industry exposure.